If you serve the hotel’s dishes, you will be admired by your guests and they are filled with joy.

How about having the hotel cuisine in your home, office or school ?
In addition to package plans, we will prepare obento tailored to your budget and wishes.

Set Meal

  • 和洋会席《和メイン》 Kaiseki - Mainly Japanese food

    ¥6,000 (Tax not included)

    Ten dishes including beef steak, tempura, sashimi.
    ■前菜:旬の味覚3種盛り ■御造り:鮪、勘八 ■焼物:白身魚の西京焼き ■蓋物:若鶏と根菜の煮物 ■蒸物:茶碗蒸し ■揚物:海老と野菜の天婦羅 ■御肉:牛ロースステーキ 柚子ソース ■御飯:白御飯、香の物 ■留椀:味噌汁 ■デザート:2種盛合せ

  • 和洋会席《洋メイン》 Kaiseki - Mainly Western food

    ¥6,000 (Tax not included)

    Eight dishes including roast beef, bouillabaisse style fish dishes, cartoccio of foie gras & wild duck.
    ■御造り:鮪、勘八、平目 ■カモとフォアグラのカルトッチョ ■ズワイ蟹の洋風茶碗蒸し ■スズキ、エビ、ホタテのブイヤベース仕立てのソース ■牛ロース肉の厚切りロースト キノコのデュクセル添え ■御飯:寿司3貫(海老、烏賊、鯛) ■吸物:穴子真丈の吸い物 ■デザート2種

  • 和食会席 Kaiseki

    ¥5,000 (Tax not included)

    Eleven dishes including sashimi, tempura, chawanmushi with snow crab.
    ■先付:落花生豆腐 ■前菜:旬の味覚5種盛り ■御造り:鮪、勘八、鯛 ■御椀:穴子真丈の吸い物 ■焼物:白身魚の西京焼き■蓋物:真鯛の酒蒸し ■蒸物:ズワイ蟹の茶碗蒸し ■揚物:海老、穴子、野菜三種の天婦羅 ■御飯:寿司3貫■御椀:味噌汁 ■甘味:季節の甘味

  • 洋食コース Full-course meal of Western cuisine

    ¥6,000 (Tax not included)

    8 dishes, a variety if dishes using ingredients such as omar lobster, foie gras, beef sirloin steak.
    ■天使エビ、サーモン、ホタテ、白身魚の庭園仕立て ■カモとローストポークのパイケースのチーズ焼き フォンドヴォーソース■季節のクリームスープ ■カサゴの炙り焼き 帆立とオマールのメダル添え バターソース■県産牛ロース肉とフォアグラのデュエット ペリグーソース ■デザート3種盛り合わせ ■コーヒー ■パン


■ 焼鯛 Yakidai ; Salt-grilled sea bream - ¥5,000~ / 2kg(tax not included)
■ Kagezen ; Meals in front of photograpf of deceased - ¥1,500~(Tax not included)

Obento - Lunch Box

  • 三つ切りニ段弁当(和食弁当) Japanese lunch box - Divided into three, Two-stage

    ¥2,000 (Tax not included)

    Seven dishes including tempura, sashimi and miso soup.
    ■御造り2種 ■焼物 ■煮物 ■揚物 ■強肴 ■炊き込みご飯 ■味噌汁

  • 三つ切りニ段弁当(洋食弁当) Western lunch box - Divided into three, Two-stage

    ¥2,000 (Tax not included)

    Seven dishes including beef dice steak, seafood marinade and miso soup.
    ■シーフードマリネ ■サイコロステーキ ■チキンのピカタ■スズキ、エビ、ホタテのソテー ■サラダ ■ライス ■スープ

  • 四つ切りニ段弁当(和食弁当) Japanese lunch box - Divided into four, Two-stage

    ¥3,000 (Tax not included)

    Ten dishes including tempura, sashimi, chawanmushi.
    ■珍味4種 ■前菜3種 ■御造り3種 ■揚物 ■焼物■煮物 ■強肴 ■御飯■吸物 ■茶碗蒸し

  • 四つ切りニ段弁当(洋食弁当) Western lunch box - Divided into four, Two-stage

    ¥3,000 (Tax not included)

    Seven dishes including beef steak, seafood marinade and sautéed seafood.
    ■シーフードマリネ ■プチオードブル ■牛ロースステーキ ■ポークサイコロカツ ■サーモン、エビのピカタ■スズキ、ホタテ、烏賊のソテー ■サラダ ■ライス ■スープ

  • 四つ切りニ段弁当(和洋弁当) Japanese & Western lunch box - Divided into four, Two-stage

    ¥3,000 (Tax not included)

    Ten dishes including sashimi, tempura, beef dice steak, bulgogi.

About Reservation

  • Reservation required by five days before.
  • According to the season and purchase situation, the contents of dishes maybe slightly differrent.
  • If you order more than 5 meals, we will deliver them to the area below;
    Yatsushiro-shi(八代市), Hikawa-cho(氷川町), Ashikita-machi(芦北町) *For other areas, please contact us.