We will make your happiest day brighter.

The delicious banquet cuisine tells your guests your gratitude and happiness.

  • 和洋折衷コース Japanese and  European cuisine - course

    和洋折衷コース Japanese and European cuisine - course

    冷製オードブル Cold hors d'oeuvre
    フォアグラのタタンコンソメジュレに浮かべて Tatin of foie gras floating in consommé geleé

    御造り Sashimi
    伊勢海老姿造り、本鮪、勘八 Ise ebi;Japanese spiny lobster, Hon-Maguro; Bluefin tuna, Kampachi;Greater amberjack

    スープ Soups
    フカヒレと柔から鮑、ズワイ蟹のスープ パイ包み En croute of shark's skin, soft abalone and snow crab

    御多喜合 Otakiawase
    真鯛、人参、湯葉、椎茸 Madai;Red sea bream, Carrot, Yuba;Bean curd skin, Shiitake mashroom

    魚料理 Fish
    オマール海老と帆立貝柱のロティ 焼きリゾット添えビスク風 Rôti of homar lobster and scallop with Bisque style baked risotte

    肉料理 Meats
    黒毛和牛ロース肉のステーキ 山葵風味 Wagyu sirloin steak with wasabi sauce

    御寿司 Sushi
    車海老、平目、海胆 Prawn, Hirame;Flounder, Uni;Sea urchin

    御椀 Japanese-style soup
    蛤、海老と紅白結び麩のお吸物 Clear fish bouillon with shrimp, capgiver and tied up fu;wheat bran(red and white)

    デザート Dessert
    紅白のミルクプリン、オペラケーキ、フルーツの盛合せ2種 Milk pudding(red and white), Opera cake, Two kinds of Fruit

  • 洋中折衷コース European and  Chinese cuisine - course

    洋中折衷コース European and Chinese cuisine - course

    冷製オードブル Cold hors d'oeuvre
    鮪のドーム仕立てキャビア添えに天使海老とボッタルカを飾って Domed tuna with caviar, decorated with angel shrimps and bottalka

    魚介のオードブル Seafood hors d'oeuvre
    雲丹ムースに黒鮑のヴァプールと青海苔のソースを掛けて Moose of Uni;sea urchin with vapeur of black abalone and Aonori;green laver sauce

    肉のオードブル Meats hors d'oeuvre
    柔らかくローストした阿蘇自然豚とフォアグラのポワレ奉書包み焼き Soft roasted Aso natural poak and poêlé of wrapped grilled foie gras

    スープ Soups
    タラバ蟹とフカヒレのマリアージュスープ Mariage soup of red king crab and shark's skin

    魚料理 Fish
    真鯛の葱・生姜蒸し青梗菜飾り オマール海老のチリソース ハトシ添え Steamed Madai;Red sea bream with ginger and green onion, dressed with bok-choy / Homar lobster with chilli sauce / Shrimp toast

    肉料理 Meats
    国産牛フィレ肉のステーキ トリュフソース Steak of Japanese beef fillet with truffle sauce

    リゾット Risotto
    チーズリゾット プロシュートと共に Cheese risotte with prosciutto

    デザート Dessert
    杏仁豆腐と色鮮やかな中華風マチェトニアを飾って Almond Jelly with vivid cokoured Chinese-style macedonia

  • And more !

    And more !

    There are five courses of the original menu including above.
    Of course you can offer another dishes according to your wishes or budget.
    Please let us know your ideal menu of your wedding banquet.

  • European, Japanese and Chinese・・・Cuisine from our highly specialized chefs make your guests smile!

    European, Japanese and Chinese・・・Cuisine from our highly specialized chefs make your guests smile!

    We have highly specialized chefs of European, Japanese and Chinese cuisine.
    Especially, our executive chef Monsieu HAYATA has the title of "Les disciples de George Auguste Escoffier" and has many fans.
    Our excellent chefs including Monseiu HAYATA made the wonderful menu above.
    And based on that, we will add an arrangement to make you happiest.